8 Best ideas to advertise your business in the Rhondda

Reach new customers and promote your brand in South Wales.

Looking for a way to promote your business in RCT? Then this post is for you. One of the biggest challenges when starting a small business can be to reach your initial customer base. There are numerous avenues you could use to advertise your company, each dependent on your target demographic, as well as your budget.

We’ve complied a list of eight good options using both traditional and modern, digital methods of reaching an audience. Keep in mind its a great idea to build a customer profile and understand your demographic, to ensure your advertising plan is accurately targeting potential customers.

01. Social media posts & engagement

Social media is a free way to grow a small business, with opportunities to promote your brand and gain customer trust. There are a whole host of social media platforms to use, most commonly Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter. Although TikTok can be an incredible outlet if you spend some time creating interesting content for customers on this growing platform. Short-form video seems to be exploding, Youtube has introduced ‘Shorts’. These can be excellent ways to reach new audiences (especially those 16–35). If you require help designing your posts or page, we’re happy to help.

02. Advertise in local publications

Newspapers, magazines and other printed media aren’t obsolete. Each will continue to hold a loyal, trusting reader base which will likely be will be attentive to your message. Take into account the quick turnaround of these materials – daily or weekly. These can also be directed across local, or national scale (but will be priced accordingly).

03. Develop email marketing campaigns

Our go-to choice would be to use MailChimp, probably the most popular option for email marketing. You will require customer information (always check GDPR rules) to deliver these emails to. This can be a perfect way to keep customers up-to-date, so long as your keep these emails attractive and informative. It can be a great option for repeat custom, chasing customers with servicing or accessories, following an order. Just remember that too many emails, too quickly can put off some consumers.

04. Build a website

A website can be the forefront of customer interaction with your business. Our recent article on The importance of website design for business features a range of information on why this is important in the current climate. This has been expanded further during COVID with a lack of in-person meetings/networking. Website design can seem daunting and even unattainable for some smaller businesses, but the process can be made very simple. We are on hand to help, with expertise in setup, design and maintaining the website for you. Ensuring SEO is tip-top so your website is shown on search engines (like Google or Bing) and that information is easy to access for your clients. Find our more about web design.

05. Host an educational class or event

Now that we’re all coming to the point of living with COVID. Face-to-face events are back on the agenda. This can be an amazing opportunity to network directly with customers in-person and promote your products/service. Depending on your circumstance, you could even be teaching an educational class on your industry or product – promoting your brand and the benefits use.

06. Distribute leaflets, flyers or menus

Directly reach customers through printed material distribution. Use the high street or local events to hand-out flyers to potential customers in person, with the opportunity to give personable chats explaining your product or service. These could even be used in a postal campaign, sent to customer addresses giving updates on your business or with a price list of products/services. We are on-hand for all of your print design requirements.

07. Radio or TV adverts

Almost everyone in the UK will listen to the radio, or watch a TV channel today. Get your brand in front of potential customers with a TV or Radio campaign. This is another option which will rely on your customer demographic, understanding which channel or station they would be most likely to access. This can be a more costly platform, but will typically offer a very large reach. There are even local radio stations or region television channels which can narrow the market for you.

08. Engage with an online community

Another free way to promote your business is to join an industry-specific community online. Build a reputation for your business, connect with members and generate a rapport. Customers are more likely to use someone they know & trust. Comment on posts, or offer advise to questions written by members. This helps boost your credibility whilst also expanding your network in the field.

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